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Donatella Di Cesare

Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome. The ethical and political issue of violence in the era of globalisation has led her to study the phenomenon of torture and terror, as well as the dark side of the global civil war in her books Torture (Polity Press, 2018) and Terrorismo. Una guerra civil global (published in Spanish by Gedisa, 2017). 

The clash between the state and migrants is the central issue in her most recent book, Resident Foreigners: A Philosophy of Migration (Polity Press, 2020), winner of the Pozzale prize for non-fiction in 2018 and the Sila economics and society prize in 2018. Her most recent publications include: Marranos. El otro del otro (published in Spanish by Gedisa, 2019); ¿Virus soberano? (published in Spanish by Akal, 2020); Asfixia capitalista; El tiempo de la revuelta (published in Spanish by Akal, 2021); La vocación política de la filosofía es sobria (published in Spanish by Gedisa, 2021).