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Ignacio Echeverría

Publisher and literary critic born in Barcelona in 1960. A graduate in Hispanic Philology from the Universitat de Barcelona, as a publisher he has edited major series of classic and modern authors, as well as the Complete Works of figures like Franz Kafka, Elias Canetti, Nicanor Parra and Ramón del Valle-Inclán, among others. His work as a critic has been partially collected in the books Trayecto. Un recorrido crítico por la reciente narrativa española (Madrid, 2005), Desvíos. Un recorrido crítico por la reciente narrativa latinoamericana (Santiago de Chile, 2006)  and more recently El nivel alcanzado(Barcelona, 2021). He edited the posthumous publication of some works by Roberto Bolaños and pocket series of Juan Benet and Rafael Sánchez Ferloso. He is a regular contributor to the journal El Cultural.