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Rosa Rius Gatell

Holder of a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona, she taught at the same university from 1987 to 2019. She is a member of the Philosophy and Gender Seminar and ADHUC, the centre for research into theory, gender and sexuality at the University of Barcelona.

Her research work revolves around two fields, the philosophy of the Renaissance and women’s thought at different times in history. Together with Montserrat Casas she published «Il Principe» de Maquiavel. Primera traducció espanyola basada en un manuscrit inèdit (2010). Highlights among her publications include “María Zambrano et ‘l’art qui fait voir’” (2015), “De la belleza, el arte y la pintura ‘verdadera’ en Simone Weil” (2017), “Simone Weil lectora de Maquiavelo” (2018), “L’escolta musical. Jeanne Hersch i la miniatura d’eternitat” (2020), “Miniatures filosòfiques. Pensar la festa amb Jeanne Hersch” (2020) and “María Zambrano, notas sobre la alegría y el dolor” (2021).