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Hugo Mujica

Poet and essayist.

With Basque, Sephardic and Italian roots, his life is marked by travel. He landed up in Greenwich Village at the time of the counter-culture. There he was an immigrant worker, at the same time making contact with visual artists and studying philosophy. He took part in the psychedelic movement, was attracted to Hare Krishna spirituality and met Allen Ginsberg, who introduced him to the guru Swami Satchidananda, of whom he became a disciple, and to William Burroughs. He discovered the Trappist monastic life, living as a monk under a vow of silence for seven years and meanwhile starting to write poetry. Years later, in Greece, he discovered the Hesychast meditative tradition. After returning to Argentina he was ordained as a priest and began to devote himself entirely to writing. He is a prolific author whose work extends to 30 books, including poetry, narrative, essays, song lyrics, performances and other arts.