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Art, between the real and the sensed

Isabel Díaz

Journalist. This journalist – a born, dedicated journalist with a firm vocation – has spent a career spanning three decades in the media, both general and specialist, and is one of the top women in journalism on electronic culture in… Read More »Isabel Díaz

La Zurda

La Zurda is a space for interdisciplinary creation and community participation. In 2021 we opened our doors in premises located in the Milagrosa/Arrosadia neighbourhood of Pamplona-Iruñea with the intention of contributing to its cultural activity, creating a space for other… Read More »La Zurda


Marabiyak Sound consolidated itself as a collective in 2022, after almost a decade of collaborative work in the alternative music and cultural scene of Pamplona. Created by Xabier Apestegui (Dj Reimy), Borja Oslé, Jokin Monreal (Errege Sound) and Iosu Marti… Read More »Maraviyak

Artist’s head

An artistic project by Alfredo Murillo and Patxi Aldunate. This collaboration began – without a name – in 2004, within the exhibition Una Salida es Posible (a way out is possible) with the installation Aranak eta Mediak (plums and stockings).… Read More »Artist’s head

Maslow Industries

Any culture that claims to be critical must be self-critical by definition. Based on this premise, Maslow’s proposal for intervention was born, based on a two-faceted query: Fifty years later, why have the Encounters of Pamplona mutated from a meeting… Read More »Maslow Industries


The BAC projects collective is made up of the artists Nerea de Diego, Fermín Díez de Ulzurrun and the curator Maria Ozcoid-Moreno. The group was created after the autumn workshop “Algo que atraviesa” (something that crosses), coordinated by Nerea de… Read More »BAC

Alicia Otaegui

Artist, musician and interior designer. My art work stands between conceptual art, visual poetry, installation, intervention in public spaces and performance. I have produced designs for shop windows, stands, individual exhibitions, designs for commercial units and contributed to theatre and… Read More »Alicia Otaegui

Patxi Araujo

Artist, teacher and researcher. Senior lecturer in the department of sculpture and art and technology of the faculty of fine art at the UPV/EHU. He works in the territory of the new media, where he has constructed a poetics concerning… Read More »Patxi Araujo

Nerea de Diego

Artista visual. Doctora en Bellas Artes y máster en Investigación y creación en Arte por la EHU/UPV. Su trabajo, aunque parte de la escultura, se desarrolla de manera multidisciplinar. En su obra hay una resignificación de los usos populares de… Read More »Nerea de Diego

Daito Manabe 

Artist, programmer, and DJ. Launched Rhizomatiks in 2006. Specially-appointed professor at Keio University SFC. Manabe’s works, which range into a variety of fields, takes a new approach to everyday materials and phenomena. However, his end goal is not simply rich,… Read More »Daito Manabe